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Terms of Service

Disclaimer:  Premier Power & Performance does not employ medical practitioners or registered dieticians. Recommendations are for educational purposes only. Coaching should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem, nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  The decision to follow these recommendations is at your own discretion. If you have medical concerns please consult your doctor.​​

Remote Coaching

After subscribing to Remote Coaching, you will be contacted within 72 hours with three mandatory forms: a liability waiver, a physical activity readiness questionnaire (health screen), and an intake questionnaire. Once these have been completed and submitted, you will schedule an onboarding call with the coach to go over the information and to allow for both of you to ask questions. After the onboarding call, the coach will provide you with the training program within 72 hours.


Texting via WhatsApp is the preferred method of communication for Remote Coaching clients. This allows both parties to send videos, texts, and voice messages. Email is also an acceptable form of communication for questions or messages, but should be avoided for video/technique feedback.

The expectation is that clients send training videos around the time that they are taken, either in real time while in the gym or later that day, rather than stockpiling them to send a large quantity all at once later on. There is no limit on video feedback or questions for coaching clients. It is recommended that you send 2-3 videos per session of each main lift (example: squat, bench press, deadlift, or any close variations etc.), as well as 1-2 videos of any accessory exercises you want feedback on. This is especially important at the onset of any new block of training or whenever a new movement is introduced.

You can expect a response from the coach to any questions and technique videos within a maximum of 24 hours. If the coach is going to be on vacation, sick, or otherwise unable to uphold this normal expectation, that will be communicated to you in advance or as soon as possible. On major U.S. holidays including New Year’s Eve/Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve/Day all communication may be deferred to the next business day.

You are encouraged to schedule a video or phone call with your coach at the end of the 4 week training block to review how things are going prior to starting the next block. Additional calls may be scheduled on an as needed basis at the coach's discretion.

Meet Day/Competition Coaching

All Remote Coaching clients are eligible for a phone/video call with their coach prior to competitions. During this call you will work together to construct a competition plan for attempt selection. You are responsible for choosing your numbers at the competition based on the plan developed with the coach. Remote Coaching clients are also eligible for a debrief call with their coach after the competition to discuss the outcome and to start developing a plan for the next phase of training.


If you would like your coach to travel to your competition and coach you in person on meet day, all travel expenses are to be the responsibility of the athlete. This includes transportation and accommodations. An additional fee may be decided between you and your coach to compensate them for their meals and time. Additionally, at least 60 days advance notice should be given to the coach to make arrangements.

Custom Training Plan

After subscribing to our Custom Training Plan service, you will be contacted within 72 hours with three mandatory forms: a liability waiver, a physical activity readiness questionnaire (health screen), and an intake questionnaire. Once these have been completed and submitted, you will schedule an onboarding call with the coach to go over the information and to allow for both of you to ask questions. After the onboarding call, the coach will provide you with the training program within 72 hours.


Email is the preferred form of communication for Custom Training Plan clients. The expectation for the Custom Training Program is that there is a limited amount of communication. Video/technique feedback is reserved for Remote Coaching clients. Also, questions from Custom Training Plan clients are generally limited to those necessary to complete the training program (such as "I don't have access to this machine, what would be the best substitute?").

You can expect a response to any questions emailed to the coach within 48 hours. If the coach is going to be on vacation, sick, or otherwise unable to uphold this normal expectation, that will be communicated to you in advance or as soon as possible. On major U.S. holidays including New Year’s Eve/Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve/Day all communication may be deferred to the next business day.

You are encouraged to schedule a video or phone call with your coach at the end of the 4 week training block to review how things are going prior to starting the next block. Information from this call, along with your training log, will be used to update the program.

If you find that you would like more frequent communication with the coach and/or feedback on how you are performing exercises, you may upgrade to the Remote Coaching Service at any time. Please contact your coach about making this switch.

Meet Day/Competition Coaching

Meet day coaching and/or planning is not included in the Custom Training Plan Service. Meet/competition related coaching is available at an additional charge.


If you would like a phone/video call with your coach prior to competitions, you can arrange this for $100. During this call you will work together to construct a competition plan for attempt selection. You are responsible for choosing your numbers at the competition based on the plan developed with the coach. If you purchase this planning call, you are also eligible for a debrief call with your coach after the competition to discuss the outcome and to start developing a plan for the next phase of training.

If you would like your coach to travel to your competition and coach you in person on meet day, all travel expenses are to be the responsibility of the athlete. This includes transportation and accommodations. An additional fee may be decided between you and your coach to compensate them for their meals and time. Additionally, at least 60 days advance notice should be given to the coach to make arrangements.

Subscription, Payment, & Cancellation
  • Remote Coaching and Custom Training Plan are both subscription services and will be billing on a 4 week/28 day cycle based on your initial order date.

  • All subscriptions require 48 hours notice by email to cancel.

  • You must communicate with your coach to arrange cancellation. Subscriptions can't be cancelled through our website.

  • No refunds will be provided under any circumstance if the above conditions are not met.

  • It is your responsibility to notify your coach regarding cancellation if you wish to discontinue service. Payments will continue unless your coach is notified. Once a payment has been processed there are no refunds.

  • If service pricing is subject to change, you will be given at least 4 weeks/28 days notice.

  • If a payment does not go through, we will make contact with you and attempt to achieve a resolution within 72 hours. 


Your name, image, written feedback, voice, and/or appearance may be used in promotional materials. However, your full identity (including full name and face) will not be exposed without your permission. For example, we will ask your permission before ever posting online any training videos or messages you have sent.

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